Dialogue cut from Episode Two

Compilation of various dialogue that was cut from Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Wasteland era


Alyx: I have to keep moving, keep them off my back Gordon!
Alyx: There's 1000s of them! seek shelter!!
Alyx: Take cover, Gordon!!


We need six petrol cannisters to fuel the chopper
find them and put them in the receptors by the cave entrance
Uh oh here come the striders ...
take them down before they get too close to the base!

Well done! I need to make a few more repairs...
Hold them off for as long as you can Gordon!

To the White Forest

Phrase names of a cut scene with Alyx falling from the bridge

(al_crash_dontmove) outland_01/al_crash_gordon01.wav



Vort:  The Freeman must lead us to the Alyx Vance.
Vort:  The Freeman must clear the way.
Vort: The Freeman must find another way down into the mines.

Victory mines entrance

(al_rbed_refugees_alt) Refugees! I wish someone would have warned them about headcrabs
(al_rbed_refugees01) Refugees…
(al_rbed_refugees02) They could have used a crash-course in outland survival.
(al_rbed_refugees03) I just wish someone would have warned them about headcrabs.

White Forest call

(al_transmit_oldrocket01) Doctor Magnusson has an old rocket up at White Forest.
(al_transmit_oldrocket02) He's been hoping for the day when he could launch a satellite, to tap into the old array they set up at Black Mesa.
(al_transmit_oldrocket03) But getting a launch off while the Combine was intact - there was just no way.
(al_transmit_oldrocket04) I'm not sure how they'll use the satellite to shut down that portal but...
(al_transmit_oldrocket05) I guess we'll find out when we get there.
(al_transmit_oldrocket06) I've been there once or twice, so it shouldn't be too hard to find.

This Vortal Coil


CITIZEN:  Allright Freeman, let me bring you up to speed
CITIZEN:  This used to be part of the underground railroad in the old days
CITIZEN:  Then the antlions started busting into the tunnels, cleared us out
CITIZEN:  Since the Combine are everywhere up there, we'll have to sit tight down here...
CITIZEN:  Luckily, these old motion detectors still work...
CITIZEN:  The lights show us where they're coming from...
CITIZEN:  and how MANY are coming.  Pretty handy little device.
CITIZEN:  Anyway, you get the idea...
CITIZEN:  Speak of the devil.  Here they come.

VORT  The freeman must help!  I cannot sustain!
Come on Gordon. Let's go down this tunnel

Battle with antlions

(griggs_afteralyx) They're going after Alyx!

(griggs_grubs) The vort says as long as we don't step on their grubs, they shouldn't hear us this far from the nest...

(griggs_junc_freemanlaughed) Ah, Freeman laughed a little. I saw him.

Phrases cut from G-man's monologue


(gman_mono07) It seems they've grown to share my estimation of her worth.
(gman_mono18) I'm not asking for anything that goes against your nature.
(gman_mono19) Merely the favor of her continued protection,
(gman_mono20) while she acts as
(gman_mono21) medium for a message of some importance.
(gman_mono23) She may require more care than was previously the case

After the battle

(al_junc_vomit01) [Mumbling]

(vort_junc_nothingchanged) To our knowledge, he is still at White Forest, working on the portal shield.

Antlion Tunnels


The thought they'd be safe down here

This place gives me the creeps Gordon

alyx checks out the control room and tells you she thinks she can do something about it

I'm going to try to short circuit this fusebox. It'll take me a minute or two.

Almost done!

ok ready for lights out!

alyx nags the player to come close to the control room

Oh no! a deep scary hole!
You're the only one who can jump across there Gordon
See if you can find a way back to the surface
we'll head back to the tunnels and wait for you

Looks like we're going to have to find another way around. I'm going to have to rest up, see if you can find us a way forward.

Gordon, see if you can find us another way round, would you?

Gordon, is that you down there?
Is that you down there Gordon?

Gordon you made it! I was worried I'd never see you again

(ep_01.al_hiding01) People must have been hiding down here...
(ep_01.al_hiding02) I don't think there was anywhere safe.  

(ep_01.al_pb1_whatsthis) What's this?  
(ep_01.al_pb1_isee) Okay, I see what's going on.  I think I can just, hm...
(ep_01.al_pb_mightgivejolt) Huh.  Looks like I might be able to give it a jolt-enough to get the door open anyway.

(ep_01.al_dark_almostdone_01) Almost done...

(ep_01.al_pb_readyforjolt) Get ready for a jolt.

Freeman Pontifex



The combine are pulling out of C17, we'd better stay away from the main road

We should try to keep off the sand, they come from there
looks like we have no choice but to run for it.

Alyx: They've seemed to have stopped, now's our chance!
Alyx: good job Gordon! Let's get out of here!

Hey down there!
Up here in the building!
I was trying to think of a way to help you out with that guard, but I'm too far up here to be of any help. Er, anyhow, sit tight, I'll get my friend here to lower the basket for you.
Hop in and we'll hoist you up

(vort_canyon_advisor01) Ah yes, that is an advisor.
(vort_canyon_advisor02) Many were dispersed from the citadel when its destruction was imminent.
(vort_canyon_advisor03) Now with overwatch decapitated they will mobilize local forces until ties are reestablished with the realm of command.

(al_canyon_hell) Oh...Antlions...you sure I didn't die and go to hell?



Chet: Right.  I should get back outside with the others.

Chet: Well, this used to be the way to get downstairs.

Alyx: I think that's Gordon.

ALYX: Wait Gordon...I'm getting in with you!!



(al_bridge_cartalk01) What a wreck.
(al_bridge_cartalk02) We'll be lucky if this thing even makes it to the base
(al_bridge_cartalk03) forget about white forest
(al_bridge_cartalk04) we'll be lucky if we make it to the end of the block.

(al_car_comments01) So in the old days, people actually kept gloves in here?
(al_car_comments02) 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer---Sorry.
(al_car_comments03) You know, it's a good thing I don't get carsick.

Riding Shotgun

Radio tower


Alyx: Gordon, I think we're going to need the jeep.

Alyx:  Oh my god.  I wonder how many made it out.

Alyx: Let me see if I can use this radio.

Alyx:  Let me see if I can contact Dad.

Alyx:  Let's see if this radio works.

Alyx:  Hey, I think I hear Dr. Kleiner's voice.

Alyx:  Damn, we got cut off.

Alyx:  What happened?  Gordon, can you check on the power?

Alyx: Something's wrong with the power.

Alyx: Well, the radio's busted now!

Alyx: That beacon dropped from the radar when you climbed up there.

Alyx: Gordon!  Help!

Alyx: Let's get out of here!

Ok, time to go! We need to get our car onto the road down below.

(al_rad_detour01) Uh...isn't this the way back to the bridge?
(al_rad_detour02) We should go back through the compound and see where the road goes.
(al_rad_roadpast01) Looks like the road will take us right past it.
(al_rad_roadpast02) Let's go in.

(al_rad_message) It's one of those things we saw in the message from Judith.

(al_rad_theyreback) Those things that attacked us at the mines... hunters, they're out there.

Advisor barn


Alyx: There! Again.

Alyx: Let me see if I can get into their system.

Alyx: Uh oh.

Alyx: It's hurting me!

Alyx: Uh oh.. time to go!

Alyx (Radio): Gordon, come back.

(al_barn_oldoutpost01) Looks like an old resistance outpost.
(al_barn_oldoutpost02) Maybe we can find some supplies.

(al_barn_backattower01) So that's why nobody is here.
(al_barn_backattower02) They're looking for us back at the radio tower.

(al_barn_fishout01) That thing looked like a fish out of water.
(al_barn_fishout02) It must have gone for its space suit...
(al_barn_fishout03) earthsuit...
(al_barn_fishout04) whatever.
(al_barn_fishout05) We should get out of here before it comes back.
(al_barn_realtrouble01) [sigh]
(al_barn_realtrouble02) I though you were in real trouble for a minute there.
(al_barn_wellenough_loud01) Maybe we should have left that thing alone.
(al_barn_wellenough_loud02) We didn't manage to kill it, and now they know exactly where we are.
(al_barn_wellenough01) Maybe we should have left that thing alone.
(al_barn_wellenough02) We didn't manage to kill it, and now they know exactly where we are.

Station 21


Citizen 1: Welcome! Come on in!

Guard tower Citizen: Man, these poor bastards sure want in.  Fat chance.

Citizen: You should speak to Nigel. He's inside.
Citizen: Nigel is inside waiting for you.  Talk to him.
Citizen: Yeah, you want Nigel.  He should be inside.
Citizen: Our leader Nigel wants to talk to you.  He's inside.

Nigel: Well well, it's been a while since we've had guests.
Alyx: Wow, sorry to have lead that chopper here.
Alyx: Thanks for saving our hides.
Citizen 1: Hey, our pleasure.
Citizen 1:  Feels damn good to have the upper hand for a change.
Alyx: I'm Alyx Vance. This is Gordon Freeman.
Citizen 1: I figured as much. It's a real pleasure meeting both of you.

Alyx: We're trying to reach my father, Eli Vance.
Alyx: Do you have a radio we can use?
Citizen 1: I'm sorry to say we don't.
Citizen 1: However, there IS an old radio tower over that hill there.
Citizen 1: The light on it is still flashing, so I assume it's operational
Nigel: You'll have to get past our old perimeter gate in the railyard
Citizen 1: If you can get the trains working, you should be able to ram through it.
Alyx: Sounds good, thanks.
Citizen 1: We'll try to cover you from here.  Lots of zombies in the yard, ya know.

Alex: Can you take care of this Gordon?  I have to talk to these guys about the radio tower

Alex: Good Job Gordon, now get in here!

(rebc_chop_bootsmysize4) Do you think those boots are my size?

Under the Radar


(al_rdblk_field01) We're not going to get the car any further without disabling that force field.
(al_rdblk_field02) How about I stay here and try to keep down the zombie population while you see if you can shut that thing down.
(al_rdblk_needboth01) We don't need to both defend the car, Gordon.
(al_rdblk_needboth02) See if you can shut off the force field.

(al_rdblk_podhid01) So they had an advisor pod hidden in here
(al_rdblk_podhid02) and this one hatched
(al_rdblk_podhid03) better step on the gas.

White Forest Inn


Thats strange, whats a combine blockade doing all the way out here

CLICK CLICK damn its empty

seems deserted

Alyx: What was that?

It's a trap! Get inside Gordon!

We're surrounded!
This place is a deathtrap. Let's get out of here!

God, these hunters are tough!

you mean after all that we're still trapped?

Lets find the power supply for this forcefield

Oh my God we're trapped, take cover Gordon!
The wire runs back up the hill to those buildings. Lets check those sheds at the top of the hill.

woah this is fried. looks like youll have to find another way into the reactor

That should have done it. Let's go see if the forcefield is down

let's hope we don't run into any more combine before we reach the base

White Forest is so close, I hate to waste any more time.  Lets keep going

Look out below!

(al_ambush_slepthere) "Dr. Magnusson slept here..."

(al_ambush_sniper) Sniper!
(al_ambush_sniperup) Watch out! There's a sniper up there!

(al_ambush_suitcharge) Lucky you! Dr. Kleiner thought of everything

Dog vs strider battle


What was that?

The base seems close enough, maybe we get can get there on foot?

Here they come Its Alyx and Gordon Freeman

Its Freeman, and Alyx Vance! let them in Johnson!

Yo Let em through We had a feeling you were close when we saw Dog take off like that

Dog we need to get our car, can you lift this floodgate for us?

Good boy Dog. Gordon, go get the car, I'll wait here

meet us back at base Dog, Gordon and I have to move quickly

(al_str_base01) The base is around here somewhere.
(al_str_base02) I've never come in from this direction.

(al_str_soldiers01) Hear that?
(al_str_soldiers02) Must be soldiers from White Forest.
(al_str_soldiers03) Let's catch up with them.

(reb_str_strider) Strider!
(reb_str_godog01) Go get em, boy!
(reb_str_godog02) Look at him go!
(reb_str_godog03) Make way!
(reb_str_dogcheers01) Yeah!
(reb_str_dogcheers02) Wow!
(reb_str_dogcheers03) Go, Dog!
(reb_str_dogcheers04) Woo hoo
(reb_str_dogcheers05) Ho, yeah!
(reb_str_dogcheers06) Get him, Dog!
(reb_str_dogcheers07) Get that thing!
(reb_str_dogcheers08) Bring it down!
(reb_str_dogcheers09) On your knees, Strider!
(reb_str_brains01) Oh, man! Brains!
(reb_str_brains02) Whoa!
(reb_str_brains03) Oh my god!

(al_silo_bunker) That looks like a bunker entrance up ahead.
(al_silo_bunkerentrance) There's the entrance!

Our Mutual Fiend

White Forest base entrance

(reb_silo_evacuee) Hey, Doc-I just wanted to say thanks. I was on that train you helped evacuate from City 17.

(reb_silo_reb_cpl1) Well what else could we do with him? He isn't actually operating the radio, I told him to just make sure no one touches the knobs.
(reb_silo_reb_cpl2) And who is going to watch him?
(reb_silo_reb_cpl3) Maybe we can take the knobs off the radio?

Reunion scene

(eli_silo_underwraps01) better than we thought
(eli_silo_underwraps02) magnusson's done a remarkable job here.
(eli_silo_underwraps03) we're almost ready to put our first big piece into play.
(eli_silo_underwraps04) the combine won't see this coming.

(kl_silo_fond01) As you're so fond of pointing out
(kl_silo_fond02) you've gotten this far without us.

(eli_silo_rememberalyx) you remember alyx don't you?
(eli_silo_remember01) And gordon freeman certainly needs no introduction.

(kl_silo_least) The least he could do is say hello.

(kl_silo_reunion01) I can't get over this
(kl_silo_reunion02) it's as if we've brought back the original black mesa science team for a grand reunion.
(kl_silo_reunion03) minus one or two titular functionaries we are almost certainly better without

(eli_silo_feelfree) Feel free to look around, Gordon.

(kl_silo_lookaround01) it appears Gordon wishes to examine the so called spearhead missile.
(kl_silo_lookaround02) Why, his restless spirit embodies the very essence of scientific inquiry.
(kl_silo_lookaround03) He reminds me so much of myself at his age.

(eli_silo_barrier) A barrier around the planet.
(eli_silo_believe) believe it or not gordon, it's been in place since you sent up the final satellite from black Mesa.
(kl_silo_samearray01) yes, the array has lain dormant since you so ably annihilated the nihilanth.
(kl_silo_samearray02) however, recently we've hit upon a brilliant plan to reverse the portal's polarity
(kl_silo_signature01) unfortunately, it's impossible to do more than guess at that portal's specific signature.
(kl_silo_signature02) at least until they've reestablished contact with the combine overworld.
(kl_silo_signature03) at which time it would be too late to prevent reinvasion.
(kl_silo_signature04) if we knew the signal characteristics we could selectively block combine access while allowing ourselves to teleport freely.
(kl_silo_signature05) but, that is such a remote possibility
(kl_silo_signature06) none dare bank upon it.
(al_silo_array01) I take it the old portal satellite array was functional after all.
(kl_silo_devised01) Indeed yes.
(kl_silo_devised02) magnusson designed a xenium resonator that once in orbital range will activate the old array and effectively turn it into a shield.
(kl_silo_devised03) with sub dimensional properties.

(eli_silo_donerunning01) That's right.
(eli_silo_donerunning02) we're done running.
(eli_silo_donerunning03) it's time we took back our world.
(kl_silo_agreed01) Agreed!
(kl_silo_agreed02) The Combine encroaches.

(al_silo_captured01) Gordon and I captured a raw data stream that was going out when the Citadel blew.
(al_silo_captured02) They put everything they had into sending it
(al_silo_captured03) and they've been on our heels ever since.
(al_silo_copied01) yeah, I copied the whole packet.
(al_silo_copied02) Along with the transmission from Judith.
(al_silo_install01) She said something about an installation.
(al_silo_install02) When's the last time you heard from her?
(kl_silo_smallcrew) she took a small crew and flew north... shortly after we flew to white forest.

(kl_silo_trove01) well, this is quite the treasure trove
(kl_silo_trove02) it would appear you've plundered the citadel storehouse like a pair of latter-day data pirates

(eli_silo_findherizzy01) Just find her, Izzy
(eli_silo_findherizzy02) We have to find her.
(kl_silo_nownow01) Don't worry, Eli.
(kl_silo_nownow02) I'm sure Dr. Mossman is all right.
(kl_silo_nownow03) She's nothing if not resourceful.
(al_silo_besttime01) dad...hmm
(al_silo_besttime02) I know this isn't the best time to ask about this
(al_silo_besttime03) but with everything she put us through
(al_silo_besttime04) the betrayal and nova prospect
(eli_silo_stoprightthere01) Stop right there, honey.
(eli_silo_stoprightthere02) I'm responsible for putting her close to breen
(eli_silo_stoprightthere03) She wanted to stay with us but I needed her to keep an eye on him.
(eli_silo_stoprightthere04) my biggest mistake was forgetting how persuasive he can be.
(eli_silo_stoprightthere05) Judith made some terrible choices
(eli_silo_stoprightthere06) but she's paid the price
(eli_silo_stoprightthere07) she needs us alyx.
(eli_silo_stoprightthere08) and I need her.

(eli_silo_bootstrap01) Yes.
(eli_silo_bootstrap02) It looks like there still is.
(eli_silo_bootstrap03) But if it's
(eli_silo_bootstrap04) fallen into
(eli_silo_bootstrap05) Combine hands.

(eli_silo_talk20) what else was on his agenda.
(eli_silo_talk21) but there's still so much.

(kl_silo_headway01) Well, it's all but certain she found borealis
(kl_silo_headway02) It bears all the hallmarks of Aperture Science.
(kl_silo_headway03) however, I've made very little headway with the data itself
(kl_silo_headway04) I could use Gordon's assistance, if you could spare him.
(kl_silo_sendhim) go ahead and send him through.
(al_silo_finehere01) We'll be fine here, Gordon.
(al_silo_finehere02) Dr. Kleiner needs you

(mag_silo_follownags01) Now, follow me.
(mag_silo_follownags02) Freeman!
(mag_silo_follownags03) Follow me
(mag_silo_follownags04) Follow me, Freeman.
(mag_silo_follownags05) Freeman!
(mag_silo_follownags06) Freeman - follow and quickly!
(mag_silo_follownags07) Freeman - where the hell are you
(mag_silo_laddernags01) Take this ladder down.



ALYX:  Gordon and I could take a look.  Come on, Gordon---
ELI:  Honey, no.  Let's go decode the packet.
ALYX:  But...
ALYX:  Go ahead, Gordon.  Hurry back.

Magnusson over PA:    You must shut the silo doors!

(eli_silo_sendgordon01) Open the lock, Isaac.
(eli_silo_sendgordon02) We'll send him over.
(kl_silo_emergency01) oh dear. On second thought, maybe you shouldn't send gordon just yet.
(kl_silo_emergency02) what's that?
(kl_silo_emergency03) well I can't let him in
(kl_silo_emergency04) the emergency doors will have sealed up tight.
(kl_silo_emergency05) oh fie!
(kl_silo_emergency06) There's been a breach
(kl_silo_emergency07) I hope magnusson's provided for contingencies

(reb_silo_bailout) Wow! Wait'll I tell the gang I actually helped bail out Gordon Freeman! (chastened) I'll be quiet now.

(mag_aband_ominous) I'm beginning to think that something more ominous than crows is...
(mag_aband_notcrows) Not crows, people! Combine

(mag_aband_assume01) Freeman...
(mag_aband_assume02) Freeman, I'm going to assume you are in the secondary silo and able to hear me.
(mag_aband_assume03) I have identified the overhead launch door assembly as the source of the breach.
(mag_aband_assume04)Move toward the top of the launch tube and take all necessary steps to seal the area.
(mag_aband_dontanswer) If not...don't answer.

Strider buster training


this striders days of impaling are over. go ahead and take the device out of the dispenser. Youll want to use your gravity gun to throw it
The devices are fragile. If they don't stick to a strider, they will disintegrate
Now toss it at the body of the strider

Good! Now take out your firearm of choice and shoot the device

(mag_tutor_aimforupperbody) Aim for the upper body, man.
(mag_tutor_anothermiss) And... another miss.
(mag_tutor_attach) You needn't attach more than one.
(mag_tutor_exprop) p I said we should expropriate that hazard suit and give it to Doctor Mossman. Maybe now they'll listen to me.
(mag_tutor_figuratively) When I remarked that with the Magnusson Device the striders would destroy themselves, I was speaking figuratively.
(mag_tutor_finally) Finally.
(mag_tutor_giveitathrow) Give it a throw..
(mag_tutor_gravitygun01) Hmm? The Gravity gun?
(mag_tutor_gravitygun02) What those loafers back there would call your gravity gun.
(mag_tutor_homing) The device has an inbuilt homing function...if you get it in close range of the strider, it will close the gap and affix itself to the carapace.
(mag_tutor_longasyoulike) Practice as long as you like.
(mag_tutor_miss01) Miss.
(mag_tutor_miss02) Miss!
(mag_tutor_miss03) Miss!
(mag_tutor_noisaidcarap) No, I said the - the carapace!
(mag_tutor_notshot) You've ably demonstrated what happens when the device is not shot. Now shoot it.
(mag_tutor_onedevice01) One device at a time is sufficient, Freeman.
(mag_tutor_onedevice02) Don't waste them. Each one is a marvel of craftsmanship.
(mag_tutor_perfect) More than adequate.
(mag_tutor_rocketsci) This isn't rocket science. Well, my contribution is. All you need to do is shoot the device.
(mag_tutor_settarget) Uriah - set the target for close range practice.
(mag_tutor_shell) Good God, man. Carapace. It means 'shell.' Aim for it!
(mag_tutor_takeyourtime) The Combine are nearly upon us. But by all means, take your time.
(mag_tutor_thatsright) That's right.
(mag_tutor_thereuare) There you are.
(mag_tutor_timeforrealthing) Go ahead now. It's time for the real thing.
(mag_tutor_unless) Well, unless there's something else...
(mag_tutor_welldone) Good enough.
(mag_tutor_wearedoomed) We are doomed.

White Forrest battle


You must be Freeman! They are waiting for you in the sawmill; that way!
Go to General Cubbage, he's in the outpost lookout
You'll find the sawmill at the far end of the valley, good luck Freeman!

Freeman right? The sawmill is that way, Cubbage is waiting for you.
Go to Captain Cabbage, he's in the outpost lookout
at the far end of the valley
he'll brief you on the approaching combine forces

Freeman! just up that ladder there - boy I'm glad you're here to help us!

You there!
Over here, by the map, young fellow!
glad to see you made it, we welcome your help
We have to protect the base from strider cannon fire
take down the striders before they get close enough
to destroy our equipment

Captain Cabbage's battle speech

You'll need that buggy of yours, Freeman.
Be sure not to leave your buggy behind Freeman!

We've detected a strider closing in from the EAST
We've detected a strider closing in from the NORTH
We've detected a strider closing in from the WEST

I see multiple striders approaching our position
They are a minute away, armor up people!

Kleiner: The Rocket is ready, return to the base immediately!

(reb_idles08) You know what I'd give for a shower? I'd give you up to the Combine! Just kidding
(reb_idles09) Word to the wise, don't eat the k-rations. They put something in 'em to make you forget the suppression field's down.
(reb_idles10) Long time no see. In fact, we've never met.
(reb_idles11) Dr. Freeman. I'm not a big fan of your work at Black Mesa, but you've been doing a bang-up job lately.
(reb_idles12) Hey, Freeman-high five! (beat) Wow. What a jerk
(reb_idles14) You ever miss Black Mesa? I do. And I was never even there.
(reb_idles15) Well, this place is hell, but at least it's not North America.
(reb_idles16) I could get used to living out here.

(mag_post_pa01) That's it! The last strider has been destroyed!
(mag_post_pa02) The Combine have been repelled!
(mag_post_pa03) Everyone return to base! Repeat! All personnel, return to base immediately! This rocket must launch!
(mag_post_pa04) Clear the field! White Forest personnel, please clear the field!
(mag_post_pa05) Evacuate the area! All personnel, return to base or take shelter immediately. We must clear the area for launch!
(mag_post_pa06) Freeman, if you're still out there, return to base immediately!
(mag_post_pa07a) All personnel, return to base!
(mag_post_pa07b) And if you see Gordon Freeman, tell him to get his butt in here!

(kl_launch_congrats01) attention, your attention please. Congratulations to the staff and residents of white forest.
(kl_launch_congrats02) woodland creatures excepted
(kl_launch_curtail01) although we hate to curtail the spontaneous festivities or otherwise interfere with the celebratory air
(kl_launch_curtail02) we must ask all personnel to take cover immediately in order to ensure the vicinity is clear for launch
(kl_launch_curtail03) it would certainly put a dampen on the natural outpourings of goodwill if any of our stalwarts were rendered crispy in the super-heated flames of the victory launch

T-Minus One




(al_launch_lift02) Seems like we spend half our lives in elevators.

Rocket launch

(eli_launch_goodman01) Good man, Gordon.
(eli_launch_goodman02) Couldn't have been easy out there.

(kl_launch_excuseme01) Excuse me.
(kl_launch_excuseme02) Pardon me.
(kl_launch_excuseme03) Excuse me, Gordon.

(kl_launch_use01) I can't be bothered right now.
(kl_launch_use02) You will just have to wait until after the launch.

(eli_launch_use01) All right, all right.
(eli_launch_use02) All right, Gordon.
(eli_launch_use03) Hm?
(eli_launch_use04) Big day today, eh Gordon?
(eli_launch_use05) You'll just have to wait until after the launch.

(kl_launch_fruition01) the fruition of your many years of service and devotion are about to reach their culmination
(kl_launch_fruition02) we fully expect this to be a glorious and transcendent moment for human civilization.
(kl_launch_fever01) I believe I've just learned the meaning of the phenomenon described as feverish anticipation
(kl_launch_fever02) I've always believed it a figure of speech
(kl_launch_fever03) but suddenly I'm
(kl_launch_fever04) quite warm

(kl_launch_button01) The button, Gordon?
(kl_launch_button02) Oh...
(kl_launch_button03) ТIf you don't mind?
(kl_launch_finger) We await only the push of a highly trained finger.

(kl_launch_awe02) Great Scott!
(kl_launch_awe03) Look at it go!
(kl_launch_awe04) Yes!
(kl_launch_awe06) [Sounds of wordless awe]
(kl_launch_awe07) Look!
(kl_launch_awe08) Look!
(kl_launch_awe09) Fly, you beautiful bird!
(kl_launch_awe10) Oh...
(kl_launch_awe11) There it goes...
(kl_launch_awe12) We're off!
(kl_launch_awe13) Yes.
(kl_launch_awe14) Yes.

After the launch

(kl_launch_bestofluck01) Of course.
(kl_launch_bestofluck02) Best of luck, you two.

(kl_launch_high5a) Well, I, oh--
(kl_launch_high5b) yes indeed
(kl_launch_high5c) very nice
(kl_launch_high5d) I suppose there's something to be said for physical reinforcement of the intellectual bond.
(kl_launch_high5e) [sniff]

(kl_launch_waxing01) [sniff]
(kl_launch_waxing02) Gracious!

(kl_launch_morelamarr02) Lamarr?
(kl_launch_morelamarr03) Lamarr!
(kl_launch_morelamarr04) Where the devil have you gotten to?
(kl_launch_morelamarr05) Hedy?
(kl_launch_morelamarr06) Oh dear...
(kl_launch_morelamarr07) Has anyone seen Lamarr?
(kl_launch_palamarr) Attention, attention, all personnel. Has anyone seen Lamarr?

(kl_launch_permorbit01) the payload capsule itself will not enter a permanent orbit until sometime afterward
(kl_launch_permorbit02) here.
(kl_launch_permorbit03) at which point we can test the stability of the system
(kl_launch_permorbit04) however, we should see the first effects almost immediately.

(kl_launch_portalclosing02) Oh - look at that!
(kl_launch_portalclosing03) The resonator seems to be taking hold.
(kl_launch_skyawe01) Oh!
(kl_launch_skyawe02) Marvelous
(kl_launch_skyawe03) Magnificent!
(kl_launch_skyawe04) Ah, spectacular!
(kl_launch_skyawe05) Oh, I hope Lamarr is watching
(kl_launch_skyawe06) Oh…
(kl_launch_skyawe07) Beautiful
(kl_launch_skyawe08) splendid! Magnificent!
(kl_launch_skyawe09) Oh, the corona!
(kl_launch_portalclosing05) Spectacular.
(kl_launch_portalclosing06) What a relief.
(kl_launch_portalclosing07) Marvelous.
(kl_launch_portalclosing08) Well doesn't that beat all.
(kl_launch_portalclosing09) There's hope after all.
(kl_launch_portalclosing10) There's hope after all.
(kl_launch_portalclosing11) I confess, I...had my doubts.
(kl_launch_portalclosing12) Yes, yes, we can all be proud of the effort---
(kl_launch_portalclosing13) Now, Magnusson---
(kl_launch_signoff01) All right, just let us secure our instruments and we will be over to see you off.
(kl_launch_signoff02) Thank you, everyone. Signing off.

(eli_launch_gimme03) Come on, come on, give me five.
(eli_launch_gimme04) Hit it!
(eli_launch_gimme05) Come on!

Helicopter hangar

(eli_launch_goodluck01) Good luck, both of you.
(eli_launch_goodluck02) Take care of each other.
(eli_launch_pulleditoff01) Yep.
(eli_launch_pulleditoff02) Magnusson pulled it off all right.
(eli_launch_pulleditoff03) This will definitely send a clear message to the Combine.
(eli_launch_pulleditoff04) We're not free of them yet...
(eli_launch_pulleditoff05) But if we can acquire a signature from the data you brought back,
(eli_launch_pulleditoff06) we might be able to shut them out for good.
(eli_launch_pulleditoff07) I feel certain that when
(eli_launch_pulleditoff08) Judith...

(eli_launch_info01) Now.
(eli_launch_info02) Now Alyx do you have all the information you need?
(al_launch_briefed01) Doctor Kleiner briefed me on everything he learned from the data packet
(al_launch_briefed02) I'll fill Gordon in on the way.
(al_launch_briefed03) God knows we'll have plenty of time.
(al_launch_orders01) Now remember, Dog has strict orders to look after you.
(al_launch_orders02) So don't get into any trouble.
(al_launch_rushoff01) As soon as I get back, we'll start on those upgrades for Dog we've been talking about.
(eli_launch_gotcha) Gotcha!

(eli_launch_promiseme01) Good, I just...
(eli_launch_promiseme02) Promise me
(eli_launch_promiseme03) you'll be careful.
(al_launch_bringherback05) Come on, Gordon, the chopper's waiting for us.
(al_launch_herewecome01) Well, Gordon,
(al_launch_herewecome02) I hope that suit of yours is warm because
(al_launch_herewecome03) Borealis
(al_launch_herewecome04) Here we come.


Car flipped (debugtext)

Alyx: Hey Gordon, flip the car over!

29 Apr 2020, 11:25:03
Source: closecaption_russian.txt, level_voices_episode_02.txt, .vcd files debugtext
Author: Витой

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