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are you thinking of uploading the files one day?
Oh, and I know I could've put this in the reply I posted earlier, but I didn't think of this until now. My idea is to reskin White Forest Base so it looks like Kraken Base.
Цитата: when от 23 Дек 2020, 03:00:43Oh, and I know I could've put this in the reply I posted earlier, but I didn't think of this until now. My idea is to reskin White Forest Base so it looks like Kraken Base. I am excited about the result. The idea is good!And all beta zombie models that will be inserted in hl2 or episodic will generate a script animation bug in the wrecked train at the beginning of "Lowlife" chapter. If you replace the regular ones (whole models/zombie folder) with another model, the zombine will no longer pull a grenade and will not die by the explosion at the glass door. There are two explosions and the one from the door is just a scripted one. The door is gone, but still blocked by an invisible wall that prevents you from getting further, as this passage is connected with the death of the zombine. Tested this with the ones from "Beta Aesthetics 2.0 Remastered" and available ported 2002-2003 models!
Where should I download this? Once it's finished of course.
If your talking about Zombines, they should be easy enough by replacing their body texture with a “Zombine-ified” version of the Combine Soldier’s body
Hey, how's that mod coming along so far?