What order of maps should I play the HL2 2001-2002 Beta in?

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  • Antlion Grub
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I knew that just using "New Game" would be too easy, so I can definitely just use the "map" command for now. But, what order is the correct order to play through the beta storyline? Does anybody have a text file or anything that can help me? Thanks!  :-p
just imagine i came up with a funny signature - cooldude
  • True Citizen
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There is a guide to 2001-2002 maps in WC-mappaсk on this site, but it is on Russian. In my free time I try to translate this guide to English, but the catch is that it is a little outdated, so I still have to add some adjustments there. However, you can still use it, you don't even need to use a translator, you just enter the names of the maps that are written there, and move along the storyline.
Don't like HL2 beta actually. But the visualization is pretty cool tho.
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Does anybody have a text file or anything that can help me? Thanks!  :-p
Go to your anon-hl2\hl2_2001 directory and open Maps List.txt
There's full list of fixed maps separated onto 3 sections:
Storyline-related maps
Maps not related to the storyline, or slightly related
Test maps

Storyline-related maps are given in an order they would appear in the game.

Same goes for 2001-2002 mappack and Toast's 2002 mappack