Airex mod is a fix of Air Exchange chapter that I made back in 2008. Back in those times no one yet made and released a fix of this chapter on public and since I really wanted to see it and play these maps I started messing with the Hammer editor. Fixing those maps was pretty hard for me, since I was completely unexperienced in mapping, but at the end I made the whole chapter playable from start to the end.
Here is chapter's maps list:
d2_airex_start (originally airex_start.vmf)
d2_airex_01 (originally airex_0102.vmf)
d2_airex_02 (originally airex_0102.vmf)
d2_airex_03 (originally airex_03040506.vmf)
d2_airex_04 (originally airex_03040506.vmf)
d2_airex_05 (originally airex_03040506.vmf)
d2_airex_06 (originally airex_03040506.vmf)