Alright, the fix of these interiors is ready. You can download it
from our site.
What was done:
The older airex_start version from airex_0102.vmf was compiled
The transition to the next map that was named airex_01_old was added
An outdoor area of airex_01 was changed, to resemble that env map I mentioned on the previous post
Interiors for airex_01 and 02 were added and fixed
The transition from 02 to 02 is now where it was to be originally, in a corridor between two factories
The tank tunnel on airex_02 was added and fixed
I left all brushes that were missing and added by me with dev textures. The VMFs of these maps are in the archive as well. As always, you can use them in your fixes/mods, as long you will mention everyone I mentioned in the readme.
Update: a better comparison screenshot by VXP